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Together we will gather inspiration to design four custom ornaments. Should you desire a larger set, anywhere from 8-12 ornaments or bridemaids ornaments, please email me directly to discuss the commission.


Moving forward I will request as much detail as possible about the flowers you want included along with your preference for the background color or I am happy to select what I believe will work best. Finally I will provide ribbon options from which to choose. Name and/or date available upon request.


Each ornament will be thoroughly sealed to preserve the design and ensure a lasting heirloom. Keepsake drawstring sachets are included.


These one-of-a-kind heriloom pieces are meant to be enjoyed now and be passed down through the generations, a story told through the art of flowers.


From You: I will need inspiration photos mailed to If there are special requests about which angle the bouquet is captured from, please be sure to mention this.


I look forward to working with you!



Custom Ornament Set (4 pieces)


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    Copyright Cara Olsen 2024
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